Attendance & Punctuality
August 2021
All learners are expected to demonstrate 100% commitment towards their training programme. This means that unless there are particular circumstances, a learner should attend and be on time for every session. Attendance and timekeeping are monitored weekly and any sickness, lateness or unauthorised absences are reported to the employer. The MGTS Learner Support Team will also monitor and discuss absences and/or lateness with learners.
Expected Attendance/Punctuality is 100%. Realistically, there may be valid reasons why learners are unable to meet this target.
Live Register – it is the responsibility of the learner to ensure they clock in on time each day using ‘Live Register’ and make certain that their finger print is working. If any learner has difficulty clocking in, they must report this to a staff member.
Notified Sickness/Absence – must be notified by phone to MGTS, normally before 8.30 am.
Coventry Apprentices Tel: 024 7663 0333
WSB Apprentices Tel: 01527 864685
We also advise that you should inform your employer of any absenteeism.
Authorised Absence – is when a learner has received approval in advance from the MGTS Centre Lead/Employer to be absent from the Technical Centre. A “Request for Absence” form must also be completed in advance which can be obtained from any Technical Instructor.
Unauthorised Absence – is when a learner fails to inform MGTS that they are absent from the Technical Centre and this will be reported directly to the employer.
Lateness – is defined as not clocking in, using ‘Live Register’, BEFORE 8.00 am. Transport disruption is not accepted as a reason for being late on a regular basis. However, we do acknowledge that sometimes lateness can be outside of your control. On these occasions, if it is legal and safe to do so, you should inform MGTS of the situation.
- Learners must register their attendance before the morning session and the afternoon session by using the ‘Live Register.’
- All absences and lateness are emailed to employers on a weekly basis.
- Absenteeism and repeated late arrival times will be dealt with through the attendance and punctuality procedure and could lead to withdrawal or exclusion through the disciplinary procedure.
- All information relating to attendance and timekeeping will be kept on learner records and may be used if required for any disciplinary action.
Attendance/Punctuality – Informal Review
- A meeting will be held with the Learner Support Team if a learner has any unauthorised absence or has more than two days sickness/absence in any given month. Also, if a pattern of absenteeism/sickness/lateness is noted over a period of time, this will also result in an interview with the Learner Support Team.
- A record of this meeting will be kept and an action plan for improvement will be set and reviewed.
- The Learner Support Team will review the situation with the Centre Lead.
- If further absence/lateness occurs, a final informal meeting will be arranged with the Learner Support Team and the Centre Lead.
- A record of this meeting will be kept and an action plan for improvement will be set and reviewed.
- If the agreed actions are not met, a formal Disciplinary procedure will be implemented.
Attendance/Punctuality – Formal Disciplinary Action:
- A meeting with the learner and their employer will be initiated and attended by the Learner Support Team and Centre Lead.
- A record of this meeting will be kept and an action plan for improvement will be set and reviewed.
- The targets agreed will be reviewed and monitored by the Learner Support Team and the Centre Lead.
- If the targets are met, there will be no further action.
- If further absence/lateness occurs, or set targets are not met, another meeting with the learner and their employer will be initiated during which final targets or a final written warning will be given by the Centre Lead.
- A record of this meeting will be kept and an action plan for improvement will be set and reviewed.
- The targets agreed will be reviewed and monitored by the Learner Support Team and Centre Lead.
- If the targets are met there will be no further action; if the targets are not met, the outcome will result in exclusion from the MGTS Technical Centre.
David Bridgens
Chief Executive
Reviewed: August 2021