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How it works

Start your engineering career and earn while you learn with an Apprenticeship from MGTS.

Process Timeline

Our Apprenticeships give you a clear pathway to a long lasting career, and we’re here to support you at every step. Here’s what your MGTS journey looks like.

Register with MGTS

Let’s get started!

Online Assessments

Do you measure up?

MGTS Interview

Getting to know you.

Employer Match

Finding the perfect fit.

Apprenticeship Offer

Your journey begins.

Start your Career

Earn while you learn!

Year by Year

At every step of your journey, MGTS will provide the professional and educational support you need to become a highly skilled part of the workforce. Below is a general outline of the learner journey for Level 3 Engineering Technicians.

Year 1

Your first year will be spent at one of our Technical Centres learning core practical and theoretical elements of the role. You will be introduced to your Training & Development Adviser (TDA) who will support you and your employer for the duration of your apprenticeship.

You will benefit from

  • EAL Level 2 Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (10 Units)
  • BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Engineering (6 Units)

Year 2

Learners continue their apprenticeship at the workplace whilst attending MGTS on a day release basis to complete the necessary educational requirements for the programme. You will receive regular visits from your allocated TDA to ensure that learning is supported and on target.

You will benefit from

  • Conclusion of BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Engineering – Year 2
    (6 Units) Day Release
  • EAL Level 3 Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (completed in the workplace)
  • Work alongside experienced engineers in the workplace

Year 3

Continuation of learning in the workplace. Behavioural development and personal reviews are carried out throughout the duration of the apprenticeship.

You will benefit from

  • Continue EAL Level 3 Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering
  • Potentially commence HNC Year 1 (if applicable)
  • Preparation for End Point Assessment

Year 4

Learners will focus on what is expected from the End Point Assessment and undergo mock assessments in preparation for completing the actual assessment in the final months of their apprenticeship.

You will benefit from

  • Conclusion of EAL Level 3 Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering
  • Potentially complete HNC Year 2 (if applicable)
  • End Point Assessment

Apprenticeship Pathways

Your apprenticeship can steer you towards the right career. Find out more about each of the pathways to see what skills they teach, and what career paths they open up.

Mechatronics Maintenance Technician

As a Mechatronics Maintenance Technician you ensure that plant and equipment perform to the required standards.

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Young female maintenance engineer testing voltage with digital multimeter

Maintenance and Operations Engineering Technician

Maintenance and Operations Engineering Technicians will maintain the safety, integrity and effective operation of plant and equipment.

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Food and Drink Maintenance Engineering Technician

Food and Drink Maintenance Engineering Technicians will work with mechanical and electrical equipment plus highly automated programmable control systems.

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Engineering and Manufacturing Support Technician

Engineering and Manufacturing Support Technicians work as part of a team to provide technical support and expertise for all areas of engineering and manufacturing functions.

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Technical Support Technician apprentice inspecting machined part

Toolmaker and Tool & Die Maintenance Technician

Toolmakers and Tool & Die Maintenance Technicians are highly skilled engineers, carrying out complex and specialist detailed work.

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Product Design & Development Technician

Design engineers improve product performance and efficiency while researching and developing new manufacturing ideas and systems.

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Engineering Fitter

Engineering Fitters produce complex high value, low volume components or assemblies. They will interpret drawings/specifications, plan their work and be required to check against quality standards. 

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Machinist apprentice using CNC machine

Machining Technician

Machining Technicians create, install, maintain and repair metal products, including machinery and equipment in factories.

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Apprentices using computers doing coursework

Not sure what’s best for you?

Answer a few simple questions to identify which apprenticeship pathway may be suitable for you.

Complete Questionnaire

Thomas Somers

Engineer – Direct Air

My apprenticeship at Direct Air allowed me to start a career in engineering. It meant I was learning the hands-on skills at site, along with gaining qualifications at MGTS. All this whilst earning money too!

Throughout my apprenticeship my wages increased regularly which was a great incentive for me to keep pushing myself and reach new levels of success. I have progressed to the point where I can now take control of my own work and supervise the current apprentices who assist me on jobs.

At MGTS I managed to gain a double grade of Distinction*, which I’m really proud of. The skills I learnt enabled me to overcome situations I wasn’t initially prepared for, that I may not have learnt outside of an apprenticeship. My aspiration is to study at degree level at university, providing me with a more in-depth knowledge of engineering and progressing further in my career. I know Direct Air is 100% behind me with this!

Get in touch

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