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Health & Safety Coventry



(This is the Health and Safety Policy Statement of Midland Group Training Services Limited as required under Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974)

Our statement of general policy is to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all our employees, learners and others who may be affected by our work activities such as contractors, visitors and members of the public.

In particular we will, so far as reasonably practicable:

  1. Identify and provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities;
  2. Consult with our employees and learners on matters affecting their health and safety;
  3. Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment;
  4. Ensure safe handling, storage and use of substances;
  5. Provide necessary information and instruction for employees and learners;
  6. Ensure all employees and learners are provided with adequate training to enable them to become competent to do their tasks;
  7. Provide adequate supervision to employees and, in particular, to all learners taking account of their age and inexperience
  8. Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health;
  9. Maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and
  10. Review and revise this policy regularly at least every 2 years.


Organisation for Health & Safety at Midland Group Training Services Limited (MGTS)

  1. Overall and final responsibility for health and safety is that of the Chief Executive.
  2. Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice is delegated to MGTS Managers.  Health & Safety will be reviewed at quarterly management meetings.
    1. All MGTS Managers are responsible for ensuring risk assessments for their own areas are carried out, control measures implemented and reviewed when any significant changes occur.
    2. The Operations Manager is responsible for ensuring suitable and sufficient risk assessments are carried out, control measures implemented and reviewed in the Coventry and Redditch Training Centres.
    3. The Managers responsible for teams who work in the office and training areas of the building are responsible for ensuring that risk assessments are carried out and suitable control measures put in place.
    4. The Operations Manager is responsible for ensuring buildings are maintained and that all building related risk assessments are carried out and control measures implemented, monitored and reviewed as necessary.
    5. The Manager responsible for MGTS quality systems is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Health and Safety systems and procedures and reporting any deficiencies to the Chief Executive to enable remedial action to be taken.
  3. Health and Safety support and guidance will be provided by the appointed competent persons in the Technical Training Centrees and the Office / Training Areas.
    1. The appointed person for the MGTS Training Centres is Steve Palmer
  4. All employees and learners have a duty to:
    1. Co-operate with MGTS staff on health and safety matters.
    2. Wear any personal protective equipment provided for their safety.
    3. Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety.
    4. Take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others; and
    5. Report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed in this Policy Statement).


Arrangements for Health & Safety at Midland Group Training Services Limited

  1. Risk Assessment
    1. Risk assessments will be undertaken by the relevant MGTS Manager or appointed competent person.
    2. The significant findings of the risk assessments will be reported to the Chief Executive.  All actions required to remove/control risks must be approved by the Chief Executive.
    3. The Manager will be responsible for ensuring the approved action is implemented.
    4. The appointed competent person will check that the approved action has been implemented.
    5. Assessments will be reviewed in annually unless stated.
  2. Training
    1. Induction training will be provided for employees by the relevant Manager.
    2. Induction training for Centre based learners will be provided by the appropriate Training and Development Adviser or Technical Training and Development Adviser before they start work in the training centre.
    3. Job specific training will be provided or arranged by the relevant Manager or appropriate Training and Development Adviser or Technical Training and Development Adviser.
    4. Specific jobs requiring special training are:
      1. Use of all machinery and equipment in the training centre
      2. Use of chemicals or substances
      3. Manual Handling (Office or Centre for Learning)
      4. Use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) including lap top computers
      5. Cleaning
      6. Supervising learners
      7. Working at height
    5. Training records are kept by the Manager in the individual’s personnel file.
    6. Training will be identified, arranged and monitored by the Manager.
  3. Consultation
    1. The Health and Safety Law poster is displayed on the Training Centres and General Notice Boards.
    2. Health and Safety advice is available from the appointed competent person.
    3. The quarterly staff meetings provide a forum to raise safety issues.
  4. Equipment/Plant/Chemicals and Substances
    1. The Operations Manager and other MGTS Managers are responsible for identifying all equipment/plant needing maintenance and ensuring that effective maintenance procedures are drawn up and implemented.
    2. Any problems found with plant/equipment should be reported to the Operations Manager.
    3. The Operations Manager will check that new plant and equipment meets Health and Safety standards before it is purchased by consulting with the appointed competent person if necessary.
    4. Managers will be responsible for identifying all substances used by their teams which need a COSHH assessment.
    5. The appointed competent person will be responsible for undertaking COSHH assessments
    6. Managers will be responsible for ensuring that all actions identified in the assessments are implemented
    7. Managers will be responsible for ensuring that all relevant employees are informed about the COSHH assessments
    8. Managers will check that new substances can be used safely before they are purchased by consultation with the appointed competent person if necessary
    9. COSHH assessments will be reviewed annually or when the work activity changes.
  5. First Aid and Accidents
    1. The first aid boxes are kept in the training centres and in the office area and are clearly identified by signs.   Eye wash facilities are provided in the training centres next to the welding area.
    2. All accidents and cases of work-related ill health are to be recorded in the accident book B1510.  The book is kept by the centre leads.
    3. The Operations Manager is responsible for reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the enforcing authority.
    4. Workplace inspections are carried out every three months by the appointed competent person.  An independent audit is commissioned annually to check our working conditions and ensure our safe working practices are being followed.
    5. Managers are responsible for investigating accidents or work related causes of sickness absences in conjunction with the appointed competent person and reporting results to the Chief Executive.
    6. The Chief Executive is responsible for acting on investigation findings to prevent a recurrence.
  6. Fire
    1. The Operations Manager is responsible for ensuring the fire risk assessment is undertaken and implemented.
    2. Fire arrangements are checked by the appointed competent person every 3 months.
    3. Fire extinguishers are maintained and checked annually.
    4. Alarms are tested every Friday at 13.30 hrs.
    5. Emergency evacuation is tested twice yearly in October and March.
  7. Legionella/Asbestos
    1. The Operations Manager is responsible for ensuring any Legionella and Asbestos assessments required are undertaken and the results reported to the Chief Executive who will be responsible for ensuring any necessary control measures are implemented. 
  8. Occupational Road Risk
    1. The appointed competent person will review risk assessments for all company drivers annually and provide company drivers with information on the company driving policy.
  9. Display Screen Equipment
    1. Managers and the appointed competent person are responsible for ensuring DSE assessments are carried out and records kept.
    2. All employees who use DSE are entitled to a free eye sight test and a contribution towards spectacles required for DSE use every 3 years.

David Bridgens
Chief Executive
April 2019